
Discover Articles by Helena Lind about Destiny, Fate, Luck and other Human Life-Shaping Phenomena

Have you ever considered that diamonds actually matter for humanitarian reasons? Our love affair with diamonds is ongoing since arguably over 2500 years now. These stones, coveted for exceptional durability, brilliance and symbolic significance, are hard to match. But times are changing. My article looks at the dilemma and trajectory of traditional...

Indeed, I brand Destiny the Mother of Spirituality because a long time ago, humanity embraced the principle of Destiny across almost all civilizations because it replaced chaos with order, gifted us significance, direction, purpose, and transcendence, and inspired great faith systems with its maternal providence.

It is time for another stepping stone on the path to the publication of The Destiny Book. Today, we will take a brief look behind the curtain to discover a few of the many aspects covered in The Destiny Book: Rediscovering the Mother of Spirituality.

What does "Destined Love" even mean? Harking back to ancient times and many romantic writers', poets' and lyricists' narratives, we can identify destined love as a deep bond preordained by the original cosmic force of Destiny, the seminal principle that shaped beliefs and philosophies. Some religions like to interpret Destiny as their God's decree,...

In this article, let's explore the options for humanity's Destiny and the future of our world. We'll be highlighting the need for unity and action, and we look at potential global directions. And we're checking whether realistic approaches for a sustainable and positive future of our species are achievable.

We live in such challenging times. Especially now that the world is tested by the unprecedented situation of a pandemic swirling all our ideas, careers, plans and futures up in the air. And that at best, because, for far too many people it is about raw, medical and mental survival.