The Destiny Book's Index
Chapters, Sections & Topics
An overview with brief summaries and key insights on The Destiny Book's content by Helena Lind*
By Gregory V. Diehl, The Destiny Book's publisher.
Creative reasoning and motivation to unravel the ancient enigma's genesis.
On Destiny's complex role in influencing cultures and worldviews.
Destiny's connection to human nature and beliefs incl. data on its modern popularity.
Chapter 1
Origins of a Perennial Principle
Why Destiny, the religion-independent paradigm so deeply ingrained in the human reflection, was adopted by major faith systems.
1. What Exactly Is Destiny?
Exploration of its etymology, definition(s), and enduring significance in human existence.
2. Destiny or Fate?
Sheds light on the distinction between Destiny and fate and the nuanced differences between these two connected ideas.
3. Snapshot of a Superforce
How the universal force may touch the course of our lives, the unfolding of events, and our future options.
4. Who Invented Destiny, and Why?
On the historical origins of the concept of Destiny, along with the reasons behind its endurance in our consciousness.
5. An Interspiritual Backstory
Inter-cultural dimensions of Destiny and its presence in various religious and philosophical traditions.
Chapter 2
Destiny and Mythology
Discovering legendary incarnations of Destiny across history.
1. Gods of Destiny
Meeting the supernatural architects that shaped antiquity's cultures and mythologies, gazing at the amazing Destiny deities of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Greece, their Transcontinental and Proto-Arabian counterparts, the beacons of Rome, and their European and Norse colleagues.
2. Between Antiquity and Modernity
Transitions from ancient conceptions of Destiny to its interpretation in modern contexts, highlights developing perspectives on this perennial principle across different historical periods.
3. Destiny's Diviners
About the ongoing fascination with divination and oracles in ancient and contemporary societies to tap into the mysteries of the first force in the universe.
Chapter 3
Faithful Destiny
Covers Destiny's cross-cultural and inter-spiritual omnipresence and its diverse interpretations across different philosophies and religions, highlighting the importance of respecting all faith-based metaphors and beliefs.
1. Destiny's Realization in Active World Views
Covers the Mosaic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Eastern philosophies. Also covers African, Australian, and Native American civilizations' takes on the grand plan and New Age and non-religious notions.
2. Divine Providence
Explores the belief that God or a higher power has a plan for each individual's life.
3. Theodicy
Discusses the attempt to match evil and suffering in this world with the concept of a benevolent, all-powerful God.
4. To Believe or Not to Believe
Addresses the role of belief in shaping our relationship with Destiny and divinity, looking at different factors that interplay with our more or less doctrinal directions.
5. Our Relationship with Gods and Destiny
Talks about the intersection of Destiny and faith and how humanity understood them throughout history.
Chapter 4
Affiliated Destinal Agencies
1. Fortunes, Lucks, and Co.—what are the Odds?
On the storied role of luck and fortune, discussing how these and other connected elements contribute to our goals and experiences.
2. Determinisms and Co.—Doctrinal Simulation Games
Inspects intricate ideas within select takes on determinism and their implications for understanding human Destiny.
3. Philosophers' Darling
On the importance of Destiny in philosophical discourse and its enduring appeal as a subject of contemplation and debate.
4. The Cult of Free Will and Ego
Examines the tension between Destiny and free will and how individual agency and ego interact for or against the good of our human family.
5. When Science Meets Destiny
Inquires into selected scientific approaches that consider, confirm, or challenge notions of pre-designed purpose.
6. Destinal Psychology
On the emotional dimensions of Destiny and their impact on behavior, motivation, and well-being.
7. Political Destiny
Destiny's involvement in political ideologies and movements and how notions of national or collective Destiny shape discourse and action.
8. Red Thread of Civilizations
On the historical and cultural significance of Destiny in shaping the narratives and trajectories of communities over time.
9. Golden Laws of Cause and Effect
Explains principal ideas of cause and effect, their connection to Destiny, considering how human agency and consequences intertwine with ideas of a designed purpose.
10. A Question for Destiny, God(s), and Karma
On the complexities of empathy, altruism, and humanitarianism in developing a fair human Destiny through sincere compassion.
11. Designated Exceptionalism
Highlights individuals and groups with unique destinies as an appreciation of outstanding characters.
12. Deathstiny
Reflects the human understanding of dying and how ideas of Destiny influence our perspectives.
Chapter 5
Prisms of Art and Love
Tracing the Destiny theme across ancient and modern media of creative human expression.
1. Literature—Destiny is Written
On the theme of Destiny as an important red thread in international literature over many centuries.
2. Western Art's Changing Notion of Destiny
On how Destiny has influenced Western art over time, from the classical period to the modern era.
3. The Soundtrack to Human Destiny
Contemplates how music expresses Destiny, including examples of classical, operatic, and popular music.
4. Wrapping the Mega Maxim
On the portrayal of Destiny in movies and TV shows, including how Destiny appears in various forms of visual media.
5. Games of Destinies
Engages with how video games transport Destiny's relevance.
6. A Love That's Meant to Be?
Embraces ideas of preordained love, debating its elements, signs, and symptoms, including why this emotive notion is so important to us.
7. World-Changing Power Couples
Showcases selected destined relationships that carry significant effects from all walks of life and throughout history.
Ubiquity of a Pervasive Compass
Helena Lind re-emphasizes Destiny's omnipresence and formative nature and how the ideal of a shared human Destiny can provide a key of unity to our future.
Destiny and Co, In Other Words
Different expressions for Destiny.
International Destinies
Selected International Roman transliterations of Destiny.
Symbols of Destiny
Destiny's Iconography.
Religions and Faith Systems
A glimpse of our active international religions.
The Destinal Theme in Arts and Media
More examples from literature, the visual arts, music, films, and TV.
Bibliography and Links
A comprehensive list for further reading and discovery.
What is Destinosophy?
A brief explanation of the concept.
154 footnotes.
Read The Destiny Book's Bibliography here
More information about The Destiny Book and Destinosophy by Helena Lind
*From The Destiny Book: Rediscovering the Mother of Spirituality by Helena Lind, Identity Publications, 2024.