The Cosmic Brand


By Helena Lind

Destiny, fate, fortune and choice are important, eternal topics in yesterday's and today's world. We encounter them everywhere as the driving force behind mythologies, classic masterpieces, and many popular fantasy novels and movies.

  • The chosen one
  • The hero's journey
  • The most unlikely person destined to save the day

Or meeting a lover, not by chance, but because it was written in the stars. Great, right? And then, we also find the concepts and principles of Destiny arbitrarily connected to dogmatic laws and rules. Which isn't necessarily great. We could ignore facts like these:

  • we may not be destined to worship anyone dogma or direction
  • we may not be destined to just serve beneath one maker or ethereal being
  • we are definitely not destined to reject the truth and non-dependent empowerment
  • we are destined to seek our best future and understand the greater context of being

In fact, if we are just following the pied pipes of power games and ulterior motifs, we'll never be privy to knowing what our own Destiny is. What happens if we are not breaking out from prescribed paths and walk towards our personally chosen and our given destination instead?

We'll end up with clipped wings.

Unlike in sagas and stories, we rarely get to hear the prophecy created at our birth. There's no ancient stone table to tell us what choice we need to make.

Is this it? Or is it that? Is it something that we will ever actually understand?

The art of dealing with the verity of Destiny is to pick up life's gifts and gauntlets, close your eyes and dance. Always remember:

  • Dogma is a man-made concept
  • Destiny is eternity's brand

Destiny is the first metaphysical cosmic force

And Destiny was and is always undogmatic

Because, despite what some might lead you to believe, to a free thinking person, dogma isn't anything worthy of consideration since a free spirit and dogmatic stances don't connect.

Still, there may be a lot of wisdom and benevolence in some dogmatic beliefs. However, their entitlement is neither desirable, nor divine. There's a gap, as long and wide as the Grand Canyon; as challenging to breach as the contrast between what's generally called reality and the worlds featured in a fantasy blockbuster. At times, our views might walk on the edge of that canyon, but they're hardly ever able to indeed cross over it, or even to slip into it.

Dogma talks the talk—Destiny walks the walk

There is a notion prevalent not just in my book: the ancient concepts of Destiny are arguably the ultimate source of all the faiths we know. And what is dogma? A man-made extension, hopefully benign and humane.

While we are talking books, my first non-fiction publication The Destiny Book: Rediscovering the Mother of Spirituality will be released by Identity Publications in 2024.

Maybe you like to read a first preview on what The Destiny Book by Helena Lind has to offer to you and your future?

Humans – well, we're desperate at times. We want to find validation. We want to hear that we're making the right choice. So we seek for an easy kind of Destiny, as if it's a flower that can be picked from a garden and stared at in a vase, while we pretend it to be our lasting possession.

Sometimes, we think that we've made it onto our destined path.

Believing that can make us feel better. It can make us feel like we're finally ready to face the world, defend your beliefs, decisions, and thought processes. But what if it isn't our destined path, just a dogmatic direction we could not help ourselves to follow?

What is the truth of Destiny?

Maybe, our reality it's just one more concept that we're chasing after in an attempt to calm our constantly spinning mind. Maybe, the invisible is more real than anything else we perceive as factual knowledge?

Try looking back. And then follow your path so far through the lens of retrospective. There is something.

Now, turn around, close your eyes and behold what lies ahead.

Can you see your Destiny?

Last updated 23 April 2024

If you wish to find out more about The Destiny Book why not read the article A Teaser to my Book on Destiny.